accrual basis accounting

英 [əˈkruːəl ˈbeɪsɪs əˈkaʊntɪŋ] 美 [əˈkruːəl ˈbeɪsɪs əˈkaʊntɪŋ]




  1. The country is at peace and the people go merrily to their work.
  2. The accrual basis differs significantly from cash basis of accounting.
  3. Article3l the accounting of the joint venture company shall adopt the internationally used accrual basis and debit and credit accounting system in their work.
  4. Analyzing the use of accrual basis and cash flow basis: form distortion of accounting information
  5. The second aspect of the measurement process is often referred to as matching cost and revenue and its fundamental to the accrual basis of accounting.
  6. Effectiveness of Introducing Accrual Basis Government Accounting into the Reformation of Performance-Oriented Budgeting: Base on the Perspective of System Relevancy
  7. A Probe into the Introduction of Accrual Basis into Institution Accounting
  8. To implement the matching concept correctly, the accrual basis of accounting is generally used for merchandising enter prices.
  9. The company shall implement double entry ( debit entry and credit entry) and accrual basis in Accounting. Implementation of Decision Support System in International Borrowing in Loans Based on Data Mining
  10. Accrual basis: as opposed to cash accounting, a method of accounting whereby transactions are recorded as they occur and not when cash is exchanged;
  11. Traditional government budgeting and accounting commonly adopted cash basis. With the development of the society, accrual basis were introduced into the government budgeting and accounting field gradually.
  12. Only accounting on the accrual basis is carried out, can VAT accounting accord with accounting fundamental principles and the VAT accounting mode accord with the income tax mode.
  13. The essay sets forth the main content of accrual basis, analyses accrual basis 'negative impact on the quality of accounting information, and puts forward the accounting postulate on which accrual basis depends coming into shaking in the network era.
  14. As an important component of financial system reform, accrual basis government accounting is not only the one from the basic technical level, but also causes fundamental change in the the function of government budget accounting.
  15. On the basis of analyzing the advantage of electronic commerce, this paper mainly expounds the influence on traditional accounting in the aspects of some accounting principles of historical cost and accrual basis, accounting procedures and the ways of settlement.
  16. The method of solving problem will build the V.A. T accounting model of appropriate separation, or to carry out accounting on the accrual basis, or to carry out accounting on the cash basis.
  17. On the Philosophical Basis of Accounting System Try to discuss connection with accrual basis and cash flow basis of accounting
  18. Introduces the difficulties in the implement of the accrual basis at the beginning of the market economy of our country and stresses the necessity to establish the accrual basis in the accounting principle of enterprise.
  19. A Study on the Limitations of Accrual Basis of Accounting The Effects of Corporate Governance on Discretionary Accrual
  20. Professional judgment, which can not be replaced, is the inherent character of accrual basis accounting and wether it can reflect the essence of economic transaction is most important.
  21. There are some difference between accounting information and the principle of accrual basis that recent value-added tax business accounting reflects, and it separates the relationship between the value-added tax and the profits at the same time.
  22. Therefore, this essay explores the character, range and detailed methods of this special cost accounting on the basis of the two-tier accounting system ( the cash basis accounting and the accrual basis accounting).
  23. This paper states the existent theoretical basis of cash flow accounting and analyses the position of cash flow account in the accounting science and discusses the connection with accrual basis and cash flow basis of accounting.
  24. Then, from the obvious differences between economic, finance and accounting theories that explain earnings, the author points out that the contemporary model of accounting earnings, based on accrual basis for accounting and historical-cost system, could hardly show the level of earnings 'quality.
  25. Due to uncertainty of the world, chaos in the accounting standard, complexity in business and the inherent character in accrual basis, accounting selecting is a necessity.
  26. GAAP requires the use of accrual basis as the basis of accounting. The accrual basis makes the accounting personnel more subjective and flexible on the definition of revenues and expenses.
  27. Differing from business accounting that adopts the accrual basis, the traditional government accounting always uses the cash basis as the accounting confirmation basis.
  28. The sixth chapter is the concrete measures of government accounting accrual basis reform, including the implementation of cash accounting and accrual accounting in government accounting. Meanwhile this chapter also discusses the issue about the choice of the information generated mode of accrual basis.
  29. After centuries of development, financial accounting theory and practice is now primarily in cash basis and accrual basis of accounting recognition of two.
  30. Among them, the balance sheet and operating table are based on the same basis, accrual basis accounting, while the cash flow statement is based on cash basis.